Home » Livros » The Gospel According to Spiritism for Young Adults and Beginners (livro espírita, Spiritist Alliance for Books, 2010)

Despite the many manners of interpreting Jesus' teachings, which vary according to the different religions based on him, the moral taught by the Master of Galilee should not be a reason for disputes. Starting with this premise, Allan Kardec, the originator of Spiritism, with the help of the spirits that accompanied him in his work, analyzed the most important and some of the most controversial teachings of Jesus. In this manner 'The Gospel According to Spiritism', one of the most important works of the Spiritist philosophy, was born. Though initially written for the adult audience, after a brilliant adaptation by Laura Bergallo, it is now launched with the purpose of reaching a younger target audience.

Publication Date: Abr 09 2010
ISBN/EAN13: 1451555636 / 9781451555639
Page Count: 172
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5.25" x 8"
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Fiction / General

Preface to the English Edition

Despite the many manners of interpreting Jesus' teachings, which vary according to the different religions based on him, the moral taught by Jesus should not be a reason for disputes.  Starting with this premise, Allan Kardec, the originator of Spiritism, with the help of the spirits that accompanied him in his work, analyzed the most important and some of the most controversial teachings of Jesus.  In this manner “The Gospel According to Spiritism,” one of the most important works of the Spiritist philosophy, was born. 
Over the years, the knowledge imparted in this book enriched my life in ways I cannot describe. As a natural consequence and, most importantly as a mother, I envisioned the impact a version of this book, primed specially for young people, would have.  As a practicing Spiritist, I would like nothing better than to provide children and teens with an opportunity to benefit from its wealth of knowledge and inspiration as I did.
Though initially written for the adult audience, after a brilliant adaptation by Laura Bergallo, “The Gospel According to Spiritism for Young Adults and Beginners,” was finally released in 2009.
Understandably, the effort to convert the language to simpler terms could not be an easy task. We are all indebted to Ms. Bergallo for accepting the challenge, and now, for allowing us the opportunity to publish it in English.
It is my sincere hope that this version brings to parents in all English-speaking countries the same joy and fulfillment that I’m sure it will bring to my fourteen year-old son, Gabriel.  

Jussara Korngold,
Spiritist Group of New York, Inc. - Founder and President
Spiritist Alliance for Books, Inc. - Founder and President

New York, 2010

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